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HeronBridge Grade 8 Open Day 2023

2023 Applications are now closed. Thank you for your interest.

This year has had a flying start! We’ve hit the ground running with the start of school and a full calendar of activities for parents and learners alike.

While we’ve only just dipped our toes into the water of 2023, we are already thinking ahead to next year, and for Grade 7 parents, that means that your children will be entering into high school. For some, this may be ‘old hat’, for others, this is a whole new experience.

A part of this journey is, what has become known as, the scholarship process. This process is one in which many high schools allow the stars of their nearby Grade 7 groups to apply for scholarships into respective Grade 8 programmes. At HeronBridge College we also offer this and do so for a number of reasons.

Scholarships are a representation of what a school deems to be valuable – for schools that prize sport, vast scholarships are offered to talented, young sportsmen and women, where culture is central to a school, the best singers and actors are attracted. HeronBridge believes that all children are uniquely gifted and that the role of a school is to develop those gifts to a point where children emerge as balanced, thoughtful and excellent young adults, driven to impact and improve the lives of those around them. This, therefore, is the lens through which we view our scholarship process and selections are made.

The scholarship exams are short and part of a wonderful morning where Grade 7s and parents are given a glimpse of what their “next year” could look like. All Grade 7 families are invited to join us for the scholarship process and Grade 8 Open Day on the 4th of February 2023 at 8am.

Moms and dads, we want our children to be all that God has designed them to be, to His glory and to the benefit of their community. For this reason, each family that applies for a HeronBridge scholarship is interviewed by our College Head or Deputy Head, giving the College team an opportunity to get to know you and your child better and to support them in this endeavor.

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